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Is your goal to have glowing, healthy skin? Just about anyone can achieve great skin health, and it doesn’t require expensive skincare products or a lengthy skincare routine every morning and night. It takes less effort than you might think to see visible results by making just a few changes to your daily routine. If you want to achieve beautiful skin, try the following skincare tips for healthy skin.

1. Wear Sunscreen

One of the most important skincare tips is to protect your skin from the sun’s harmful rays. Sun exposure can cause wrinkles, dark spots, and even skin cancer, so it’s necessary to take precautions. There are a number of ways to protect your skin from sun damage, and one of the most effective ways is to apply sunscreen every time you go outside. Sunscreen can minimize the effects of the sun on your skin’s appearance and prevent skin cancer. Look for sunscreen with SPF 30 or higher that offers broad-spectrum protection and water resistance.

2. Eat a Healthy Diet

The foods you eat can make a big difference in helping you look and feel your best. Eat a diet filled with fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains for healthy skin. Some research suggests that eating a diet rich in healthy fats like fish and low in unhealthy fats and processed foods may promote younger looking skin. In addition to eating healthy foods, make sure you’re choosing healthy beverages. Drink plenty of water to keep your skin hydrated, and avoid dehydrating beverages that contain caffeine or alcohol.

3. Don’t Smoke

If you smoke, one of the most vital skincare tips is to quit smoking. Smoking damages collagen and elastin, which give your skin elasticity and strength. This, in combination with the repetitive motions of the facial muscles like pursing your lips and squinting, can contribute to wrinkles and make your skin look older. Smoking also depletes the oxygen and nutrients that are essential for skin health. Finally, smoking increases your risk of squamous cell skin cancer, so it’s best to quit in order to protect your skin.

4. Use a Self-Tanner

Do you like looking tan? Spending time tanning in the sun or on a tanning bed can significantly affect your skin health, including causing premature aging and increasing your risk of skin cancer. If you want to achieve that sun-kissed look, try using a self-tanner instead. Self-tanners can give you the shade you want without the harmful risks of the sun or a tanning bed.

5. Gently Wash Your Face

One of the simplest skincare tips is to wash your face gently, resisting the urge to scrub it clean. When you’ve been sweating or have a serious acne flare-up, you may be tempted to scrub your skin to remove sweat, dirt, and oils. However, scrubbing irritates your skin and can actually worsen skin conditions like acne. It’s best to gently cleanse your face with lukewarm water and a mild cleanser in a circular motion. After you rinse off the cleanser, gently pat your face dry with a clean towel.

6. Moisturize After Washing

A skincare mistake that is often made is waiting too long after cleansing to apply moisturizer. This is why one of the top skincare tips is to put on hydrating products soon after washing your skin. There’s a short window after cleansing before moisture starts to evaporate from your skin. If you allow your skin to dry completely, the water on your skin and some of the moisture in your skin will get pulled into the air. For the best results, apply moisturizer while your skin is still damp from showering or washing your face.

7. Exfoliate

The older you get, the slower your skin cells turn over. This can lead to dead skin cells building up on your face and body, leading to clogged pores, dull complexion, and the inability to absorb products. To combat this, exfoliate using scrubs, peels, or even just a clean washcloth. It’s typically recommended to exfoliate twice per week; if you exfoliate too often, you can cause damage to your skin.

8. Exercise Regularly

Most people do not associate exercise with skincare. However, one of the best skincare tips for healthy skin is to exercise regularly. When you move your body, the blood vessels in your skin dilate to allow warm blood to transfer heat out of the body. Boosting blood flow also brings oxygen and essential nutrients to the skin, giving it what it needs to stay healthy. Exercising first thing in the morning is best for your skin health, followed by a lukewarm shower to remove sweat and dirt.

9. Manage Stress

Stress can have a negative effect on many areas of your health, including your skin. Some skin conditions such as psoriasis and eczema often first appear when someone is really stressed. Experiencing stress can also cause flare-ups of a variety of conditions, including psoriasis, eczema, rosacea, and acne. Find healthy ways to manage stress, such as deep breathing, prayer, journaling, drawing, or yoga.

10. Avoid Popping Pimples

It can be really tempting to squeeze or pop a pimple as soon as it appears on your face in the hopes that it will go away. However, one of the top skincare tips that you should follow is to fight the urge to pop pimples. When you pop a pimple, you could introduce an infection and make the inflammation worse, which can lead to scarring. The best thing you can do is avoid touching it or apply a topical benzoyl peroxide spot treatment.

Do you have any questions about these skincare tips or want recommendations on the best products for your skin? Reach out to us at Phipps Pharmacy today and our knowledgeable pharmacy team will be happy to help!

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